Counseling and Coaching for Young Adults

Are You Feeling Confused and Uncertain About Who You Are and Where You Want To Be?

Are you feeling lost and unsure at a transitional stage in your life? Do you worry that you are missing out on the career, romantic relationships or social life that you want?

Do you feel like you’ve reached many of your goals, but life still isn’t as fulfilling or enjoyable as you’d hoped? Or, maybe it seems as though everyone else you know has a solid plan, and you feel as though you missed the handbook on how to be an adult. Perhaps you were expecting to find some answers or clarity at some point, but you feel just as confused, overwhelmed, directionless and stuck as you did years ago. Do you wish you could figure out what you want in life and develop the confidence, self-acceptance, peace and optimism you need to embrace your future?

The young adult years, while exciting and new, can also bring forth feelings of confusion, uncertainty and self-doubt. You might be doubting whether or not you will be able to find a partner who shares your values. Perhaps, if you are a woman, you wonder how you will be able to balance work and family in the future, and you feel as though you have to make a choice. Maybe you don’t want to get married or have children, and you are tired of hearing others question your choices. You might be non-monogamous, gay and/or gender variant and wonder how to develop a safe, loving relationship without compromising your values. You may be struggling financially, especially if you have student loan debt and feel embarrassed and immature because you need financial help. Perhaps you moved around a lot for work or school and are struggling to make friends or find people who share your interests. Maybe you are grappling more and more with existential questions and wondering what the point of all of this is. You might be tired of feeling like you are always faking it and wonder how anyone finds sincere fulfillment.

Many Young Adults Feel Directionless

In our modern society, so many adults – especially those in their 20s and 30s – feel a little bit lost. It is very common to feel as though you are waiting for your life to start, and many people struggle with the feeling that they have never quite fit in with everyone else. It can be startling to realize that “the answers” or a sense of belonging don’t always come with age, a degree or a long-term relationship. It might seem as though others around you do have it all together, especially when you scroll through social media sites. But, almost every young adult experiences a degree of self-doubt and confusion. If you are questioning every aspect of your life, you are not alone.

Every person defines success differently. While it can be tempting to compare your life to others, especially online, it is important to remember that you are unique person with your own values, skills and hopes. And, if you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma and other mental health issues, it can be increasingly difficult to believe in yourself and pursue your goals. But, no matter what is making you feel lost, with help and support, you can begin to clarify your values and create the life you want.

Young Adult Counseling and Coaching Can Help You Create the Adulthood That Fits You

There are so many ways to live a rich, satisfying life, and counseling or coaching specific for young adults can help you begin to discover your path. You can nurture your own personal power and find a way to balance honoring your authentic self and creating a fulfilling life in this challenging world. By speaking with a compassionate, understanding and supportive therapist/coach, you can develop a sense of self-compassion and self-worth that can carry you through life’s most difficult and confusing times. I can help you let go of the belief that you are inadequate so that you can start creating your future.

In young adult counseling sessions, we can address all of the complicated thoughts, feelings and experiences that may be holding you back. If you are struggling with anxiety, depression or trauma, I can help you better understand the ways in which mental health can impact your life. Regardless of what you are struggling with, you are not broken or wrong. It can help you cope with challenging emotions so that you feel more at ease with yourself and the world.

With young adult coaching, we start with the end goal in mind. We look at where you want to be and what soulful changes you want to see in your life. Then we design the work to remove barriers and step into action in transforming and co-creating your new, more authentic you.

During our work together, I will encourage you to embrace radical acceptance. You cannot change the realities of the past, and you can’t start from where you aren’t. But, by accepting yourself for who you are today, you can begin the work of building your future. In sessions, I help you get to the root of the things you want in life. Together, we can discuss what makes you come alive and feel passionate. I can incorporate yoga, meditation and mindfulness practice into our work so that you can develop quiet reflection skills that will help you clear your mind and focus on your own core values.

Life is an art, and each of us is always working to understand its ever-changing ups and downs. Through young adult counseling and coaching, you can begin to approach life with greater creativity and flexibility. It is okay to feel like you are figuring it out as you go along. Your worth is not tied to an objective definition of “success.”  By rediscovering your dreams and desires and finding a richer understanding of your unique resilience, you can begin to move forward with confidence and a sense of serenity.

I can’t afford young adult counseling or coaching.

With increased student loan debt and a seemingly shaky financial world, many young adults and artistically minded people share this concern. However, I invite you to think about your young adult sessions as an investment in your long-term well being. Counseling and coaching can help you clarify your career goals, which may lead to greater satisfaction and stability in your job now or in the future. If you are truly struggling to afford services, I offer limited sliding scale/reduced fee options to help.

With work, school, family life and social obligations, I don’t have time.

Many young adults have busy lives, especially if they are trying to balance all the different aspects of adulthood at once. By offering you a safe space to work through your problems and recharge your batteries, young adult counseling or coaching services can help you begin to make better use of your time. In addition, working together does not have to be long-term. Even a few “check-up” sessions can help you feel more energetic, set you back on track and help you use your time in fulfilling ways.

I’m feeling really stuck. Can counseling or coaching really help?

If you feel as though you are spinning your wheels with no direction, this is probably exactly the right time for you to seek help. I can offer you a fresh perspective on the challenges you are facing and help you uncover new ways forward. And, if you are struggling with a mental health issue – such as depression, anxiety or trauma – I can help you cope with your painful emotions and begin to live the life you want. You can take the time to clear your head of all those outside voices and pressures – from family, academia, the business world, peers, etc – and really clarify what you want for yourself.

You don’t have to feel stuck and confused anymore. I invite you to call me at (720) 429-3047 to set up a free online consultation. I am happy to answer any questions you have about young adult counseling, coaching and how I might work with you.

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