Embodied Liberatory Soulwork

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Healing Childhood Wounds

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Embodied Liberatory Soulwork

This trauma-informed approach primarily addresses internal, ideological and interpersonal aspects of oppression and power in ways that are healing, connective and deeply compassionate. You are not alone. Healing happens in relationship whether with nature, community or through an intentional relationship. To get started with your embodied liberatory soulwork, schedule a free 25-minute consultation here. This most recent iteration of Linda’s work with clients integrates her background as a life-long spiritual…

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Healing Childhood Wounds

Do You Struggle to Enjoy Life Despite Achievement and Success? Many people grow to have success in professional life, yet struggle with a quiet nagging feeling of inadequacy.  They may feel like they are not good enough or maybe even struggle with feeling like a burden.  While these are often not rational feelings, they feel true. If you happen to share these insecurities with others, they may respond with surprise…

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Are You Struggling to Feel Accepted, Safe and Whole? Do you identify as multi-racial or a person of color? Are you questioning your sexuality or gender identity? Maybe you feel sure of who you are on the inside, but feel unable to express your true self on the outside, especially if you fear the rejection of your family, community, peers and loved ones. Or, you may feel alone and lack…

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