What is your approach to counseling, coaching or therapy. What can I expect?

Open Forest Counseling takes an approach to psychotherapy that is client-centered and non-pathologizing, which means that we understand you as the expert in your life and we are intentional in not stigmatizing or passing judgement. We see our role as psychotherapists and coaches to create new insights into your self and surrounding circumstances so you can approach your life in a fulfilling manner that supports your relationships, growth and health.  There are times when, with your permission, we may be more directive, such as when addressing traumatic material, but our approach is deeply collaborative and client-centered.

Can you prescribe anti-depressants and other medicines?

No, psychotherapists, caoches and Licensed Professional Counselors (LPCs) cannot prescribe medications. However, for those interested in holistic medicine, we are connected with incredible herbalists, massage therapists, and acupuncturists who can support holistic approaches to emotional and mental wellness.

Can I use my insurance? I am concerned about affording therapeutic services.

We’ve partnered with Mentaya, a service that streamlines getting reimbursed for your therapy sessions through out-of-network benefits.

Mentaya is perfect if you:
• Have out-of-network benefits
• Feel overwhelmed by superbills and insurance
• Have submitted superbills but failed to get any reimbursement
• Simply want to skip the hassle of paperwork!

Here’s how it works:
1. Sign up for Mentaya: https://mentaya.co/inviteclient/aTlBDHiNI503OzVi2Qsu
2. Our practice will enter your sessions into the platform.
3. Mentaya submits the claim and handles any insurance follow-up.
4. You get reimbursed by insurance!

Mentaya charges a 5% fee per claim, which includes handling any paperwork required,
dealing with denials, and calling insurance companies.
It’s risk-free: They guarantee claims are successfully submitted, or a full refund of their fees.

What is your cancellation policy?

Clients are responsible for full payment of any session cancelled with less than 48 hours notice. Occasionally, if clients and provider are able to reschedule within the same week, then no cancellation fee is required.

I’m not sure I need therapy. How can I tell if I should be calling you?

There’s a good chance that if you are seeking help, this may be the best time. If you are in crisis or your relationships have reached a critical point, now is certainly the time.  If not in crisis, ask yourself if you are ready to see and make changes in your life and commit the time, energy and finances required in entering therapy.  Remember, prevention is powerful and transformation is eternal.  Therapy is an investment in yourself, and you will get out of it, what you put into it.

Is there a set number of sessions I should plan to attend?

Regular short term therapy lasts 6-8 weeks of weekly sessions then moves to a “maintenance” schedule of every other week or once a month.  However depending upon individual needs, I am comfortable meeting just one time or meeting long term until individuals feel that they have met their therapeutic goals. At the conclusion of counseling, it is beneficial to have a termination session where both therapist and client can summarize the work and bring closure to the therapeutic relationship.

What is confidentiality and what does it cover?

Confidentiality is your legal right as a client to discuss whatever you need in therapy. It is private and protected by law. It covers all topics, except for instances of child abuse/neglect, elder (or dependent adult) abuse/neglect and serious threats of harm to self or others.

How do you pronounce the therapist’s (Linda Hsieh) last name?

The phonetic pronunciation for Hsieh is “sheh.”  Feel free to ask Linda in person.  She will not be offended.

Do you provide crisis support?

No, we are not available for 24-hour support.

In Colorado, Psychiatric Emergency Services provides a 24-hour mobile crisis service accessible by calling 303-602-7221.

In Hawai’i, dial 988 for Hawai‘i CARES 988 a 24/7, free support service for help with crisis, mental health, and substance use.

For anywhere in the United States, for any emergency simply dial 911.

How do I schedule an appointment or free consultation?

To schedule a free 25-minute consultation or your first appointment, you can use this link. Or simply call Linda at (720) 429-3047 or email Linda.Hsieh.MA @ gmail.com (no spaces).
Thank you for your interest!  We look forward to supporting you.

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